So it's been awhile, but Rhonda and Lindsay put up their ten super good things and it got me thinking....
1. I finally finally actually live in my house. It is far from being finished, I still have no front lawn just ugly dead grass, and the basement is full of boxes to be unpacked - but I live here now. And to go along with that, a handy husband and a handy dad. The house is looking awesome thanks to their work. I don't know what I would have done without their fix-it-skills. And a carpenter brother in law too.
2. My family is three blocks away. I can go to their house any time I want, it is sooo much fun. And lots of Brad's family is only a short drive away in Lehtbridge and Calgary. Yea for family!
3. On Wednesday I got to spend a day with Jacklyn and Brittany and their kiddies. Lots of fun catching up and remembering old times.
4. My new pommegranite martinie lotion and body wash from Bath and Body Works. It smells so yummy! It just makes me smile every time I use it. It's nice to leave the house and not feel like I smell like baby spit up.
5. Ro isn't back to sleeping through the night like he used to, but he is better than he was all summer - and getting better every night. And he is in his bed for most of the night instead of mine.
6. We are going to Calgary today and staying overnight. Doing some shopping and going to the zoo with family. Been looking forward to it all week.
7. Mint chocloate covered Oreos from the states. Yum Yum Yummy! I still have one box left from our last trip to the lake and I am doing a good job of saving them for a rainy day.
8. I may not be able to swim laps in Raymond, but October is approaching and we are getting our stuff ready for the women's hockey league. Best workout I have ever had. Hopefully it will get rid of that pesky fat left over from the prego days. Here's hoping anyway.
9. Ro's new Robeez boots. Lots of people have given me or lent me shoes, but the little guys feet are so chubby that none of the shoes fit him. But my grandma gave me the boots. Not only are they really really cute, but they are nice and fuzzy warm inside.
10. Fall is here! I only wish it was a longer season here in Southern Alberta. I love fall. I love the leaves changing, the crisp feeling in the air. I love getting out sweaters, hoodies,and vests. I love cuddling up in my down comforter at night to stay warm while the room is cold. I love seeing kids in Halloween costumes. I love Thanskgiving with family (two for me - Canada and USA!). I love starting to think about Christmas shopping. Yeah for fall.
Just one more,
11. Pictures of Ro. I have so so many fun ones from this summer, but here is on of my favorites.