We had a little Halloween party on the weekend. And I caught Martha Stewart disease. I went a little overboard with the decorating of my tables and food, complete with little tags for each food item with silly Halloween style names. But I love Halloween! Here are some pictures so you can see what a big dork I am.

Some of the food we had: witches brew soup (taco soup), bones (bread sticks with knots in the ends), mummy fingers (pigs in a blanket), and bat wings ( BBQ chicken wings).
Eye balls, compliments of the Martha Stewart Halloween spectacular I happened to see one night while switching through channels. Radishes and olives. They looked cooler in real life.

Severed hand punch, also looked cooler in read life.

Roman caught a little of the Martha disease too - he wanted to help decorate and put the little pumpkins up on the canisters all by himself. He was so proud of himself and kept admiring them all night.

The good stuff! Halloween popcorn from Kernels. Love this stuff. Mini chocolate cupcakes and spider cupcakes. Sugar cookies. Caramel apples. And tiger ice cream.
Here is a closeup of the caramel apples.

And the sugar cookies. I love the Wilton color flow icing mix. Fun to decorate with, but it doesn't taste as good as butter cream icing.

See, I told you I caught Martha Stewart disease. Don't worry it was short lived, I am back to living in my pajamas in a messy house and eating leftovers for dinner.
And because I love Halloween I guess I can add one more picture. I can't believe I am going to put up a picture of my seven week post baby haven't gotten on the treadmill yet can't stop eating Halloween candy legs in tight red spandex. But here you go. Our family Halloween costume. Roman had the pjs - they are a few sizes too small now, but we squished him in them anyway. My husband is the best husband in the whole entire world for getting into red tights and stuffing his belly for me! Thanks Brad!
family costumes freakin awesome. i'm laughing & loving them. Delicious you know how to throw a party it's all about the food!
seriously the cutest thing ever. I watched that same Martha thing last year and I thought oh yah i'm gonna do that stuff but I never did and you with a tiny Baby!!! ahh your crazy I love it. I wish I could have come to your paryt. And PS loved the costumes
no freaking way.
did you seriously make ALL that?!
no freaking way.
I LOVE the costumes and am so glad someone else goes all Martha-y! I'm not the only one!!
I am so jealous that you can make all that great food and that you can wear hot red tights. You look awesome!!!
wow martha - you went all out! you amaze me with the things you make, and i love the family pic :) you have such a good husband for him to agree to put that on.
ps - i saw you out front of your house the other day, and i think it's so not right that i haven't stopped over or that we haven't hung out at all. let me know when you're free, and me and my big belly will pop over for a bit...
Oh, my goodness! Love love love your cosutmese!!! Those are outrageous! I've got to see those in person. We're coming down tomorrow and I think we're going to stay to go trick or treating in Raymond.
i can't believe Brad got dressed in that. He reaaaaalllllly loves you. :) LOVE IT all!
How awesome are you! I love your costumes & everything else. And, your 7 weeks post baby body looks great.
welli can only say that brad is now completely house trained. seeing him in red tights made my life full and complete.
You are Amazing! and have me craving a lot of things right now..love the costumes
haha! Love the costumes! I wanted to eat this entire post of goodies. Where on earth do you find the time to be Martha? Astounding.
Wow! This is just awesome times 100! Wow! Really from the first to the last picture you did a fantastic job! I love the costumes too. What a great idea
I'm overwhelmed just looking at it all... good job on making it all! You look fab in that costume too.
Whitney you are SOOO creative!! I love It. We need to hang out so your coolness and creativeness can rub off on me. haha :0P
Not sure what's cuter... the party or your family all dressed up!!! I love it all!!!
Thanks for joining in on all the fun over at Blue Cricket Design!!! Please add the "Falling" for Fall button when you can!
Love all your part ideas and the family costumes!! So fun!!
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