Roman is more out of control than ever, but he is two and a half, so no big suprise there. But he LOVES his baby. Baby sinn, no F's for Roman. He kisses Finn all day long. And he shares all his most favorite toys with his baby. I'm so glad he loves him so much already.
I have had a few emails from people who will not be named asking, well actually more like demanding more details. So here goes...
I had a doctor's appointment on Thursday September 4th - my due date. My doctor asked me if I wanted to be induced that evening. He was on call all night, and he wasn't sure when he could schedule me for an induction after that. I kinda wanted to wait and see if the baby would come on his own, but the idea of maybe having to go a week overdue was too much. So in to the hospital we went. I had been having contractions all afternoon, slowly getting stronger, but not too bad. I was dilated to a 3. I asked for the epidural. The epidural cart was all set up and ready to go. Dr. Browne broke my water at 8:30. Immediately the contractions got stronger and stronger. He ordered the pitocin drip. The nurse and I tried to talk him out of it. No go. He went to help with a c-section and said he would bring the anaesthesiologist back with him. They offered me morphine. Thinking like a patient and not a nurse I said okay - you will see why that was a bad idea in a moment. Of course it did nothing. Things went okay for awhile, contractions got stronger and stronger. But I just kept thinking about that epidural. Then contractions got really bad. C-section wasn't over yet. Nurse was really nice, but kept making stupid comments about how surprisingly hard my contractions actually were. You think??? They got even worse. But because I had the stupid drip I had to be in bed with the monitor on. All I wanted to do was get out of bed and try to move around to help with the pain. I couldn't have the nitrous gas because I had had morphine. I was at a 7, then instantly to a 10. Doctor came running in apologizing, he didn't think I would go that fast. I had to start pushing. I cried like a 2 year old. I couldn't breath, it felt like someone was sitting on my chest. So then I panicked. Two nurses were trying and trying to help me catch my breath and pay attention to push. And I couldn't control the words coming out of my mouth. I am sure it was hilarious to watch! I said the classic I can't do this! And then the ever popular I want drugs. All the while knowing what I was saying was ridiculous. Not sure how long I pushed, somewhere around 5 minutes? Through about 3 contractions. An hour and 36 minutes after breaking my water little Finn was born. 10:06 pm. It was all such a blur, and still kinda is when I try to think about it. I suppose that is a good thing!
It wasn't as euphoric as Roman's birth. It was harder to enjoy. It was more like work. When the nurse asked if I wanted him I actually said they could put him under the warmer before I held him. I was so exhausted. My body was in total shock. In a way I felt a bit cheated.
But it was a safe smooth labour. I was fine and he was fine. Brad was there to help me. I had that amazing feeling when they handed Finn to me. And I got to cry - for some reason I love to cry when I hold my baby for the first time, such a good release. So all things considered or course it was a great experience.
Kudos to those of you who do it without and epidural. But I had one with Roman. It was heaven. And I had my heart set on one with Finn. I mean sure, now that it is over and I did it I know I could do it again, but I just don't see the point when I could have the drugs!
So here we are over two weeks later. And I am totally loving being the mommy to my two little boys. And because no post is complete without pictures, here are a few.
So cute! I love your story... even though I did it without the epidural, I sure asked as well! (Just no time in 10 minutes!) I mean, we're tough, we know we're tough, why do we have to prove it by having no epidural!? So cute though!
Im so jealous i wish i could post a labour story about now. Although i cringed reading the whole thing thinking i'm next. But your a trooper! Sounds like you did awesome. Note to self don't get morphine. Finn is absolutley adorable and you look great. Hope all is well and i'll just sit around and be large as a house a while loneger....
way to go! i wish little finn (and you too!) could have joined us on the weekend. can't wait for next time.
crazy! Brenna was the SAME as little Finn - she threw up SO BAD for the first month she was born. All over everwhere! Bad - like projectile, out the nose, you get the picture throwing up. Also, my labor with her was fast just like yours! He's beautiful and I'm glad things are going well for you guys!
He is sooo cute, and you look darling of course. Congrats!!! i live in raymond and you live in raymond, and we are both home all day, and i have yet to see little finn in person! when can i come and visit??? by the way, you look awesome, and finn is sooo cute :)
Just so that you feel better.. Morphine does not do anything. But neither does Nitrous.. I know, I had both.. It just kind of makes it an out of body experience. I am impressed. And Finn really is darling. Congrats on the sleeping. I wish he would train mine.
You look so great! I had to have morphine when I was 5 months along with Maggie, because I passed a kidney stone, but it worked wonders then... guess that di-spells the whole "kidney stones are worse than labour" myth. I thought labour was way worse.
-p.s. awhile ago you commented about canning (or something) and asked if sewing was domesticated enough... I say... Heck ya! I wish wish wish I could sew. I want to make "seasonal" kid quilts for Maggie that have mis-matched fabrics all with the current season's colours in them... one problem... I can't sew a button on a shirt never mind quilt. Sad.
what a cute blog whit..i'm just learning how to do mine right now...there is quite the learning curve. Anywho keep it up martha
I just found your blog through SMS and I love your birth story. You did so well. I didn't have an epi for both of mine only because the first cos the gas worked ok and the second bub wanted to shoot out of me. Your boys look so cute together. So much love.
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