But just because I am postponing does not mean you have to postpone my birthday...
For example - my mom and dad made me a yummy early birthday dinner today.
What can you do you ask. Well, maybe you can leave a comment. Maybe I can get to 29 comments for my 29th birthday. I have my doubts. Come on, prove me wrong!
Everyone always does that post on their blog. Asking all those blog lurkers and stalkers to out themselves. We all lurk! I know I am quite guilty of it.
But I have been too scared to do that post. Scared that no one will actually comment. I have run into a few people who tell me they look at my blog all the time. I had no idea. But it was so nice to know that someone else was looking. I will admit I was flattered and quite happy about it! So I think I finally have the courage to do it. I am asking everyone who looks at my little blog to let me know you are out there. And if you still aren't up to leaving a comment email me. I just want to know you are out there!
Okay, this is me doing it. This is me hitting publish post. In just a minute... Okay for real this time... Don't let me down fellow bloggers!