2. Rhonda's idea not mine. As was my blog header she made. I have been getting compliments on it and had to give her credit for it.
3. I bought a bike. A road bike. It was rather expensive. I love it. And I have yet to ride it anywhere but around the block once. It is killing me. I want to ride so bad. My skinny jeans miss me and I miss them. But the wind and Oscar have other plans for me.
4. I went swimming last week with a friend. It felt amazing. Unfortunately it didn't work out so well for the kids and the babysitters. June 1st and the pool opening in Raymond can't come soon enough.
5. With the last two you would think I am a health nut. The truth is Easter candy is just too good.
6. I have washed so many muddy clothes the past few weeks. I can't wait until we have a yard. On the other hand it was quite funny when I had to go out and pull Finn out of the mud he was stuck in. No picture, he didn't find it funny at all.
7. Paid maternity leave is great. Like top ten things of all time great.
8. Finn is wearing me out. Tantrums. Grumpy. The ultimate definition of clingy. Won't share. Won't listen. Hits and kicks everyone in sight. The soother, oh the stink'n soother!
But it won't last forever.
9. I love DVR. Enough said.
10. One of the best things about little boys is getting them dressed on Sunday. What could be easier. Three pairs of khakis, three white shirts, three pairs of brown shoes, and three ties. Every single week. And just as cute as the last week.
:) I'm glad you posted AND that you like your header.
AND very very cute picture of the three cute boys!!!!!!
yeah! a post! so excited you got your bike that is awesome! Great header 2 and love the ten ....kind of sounds like some of my ten ;) love the ties you made too they look so cute on those cute little boys!!! Your picture turned out great mine were pretty pathetic oh well we try right!
Roman was pretty fun today he really wanted to stay for lunch but I told him another day cause masen was so grouchy!! Anyway ttys!
Love it! Brae had her soother until she was well into 4. I loved when you said "It won't last forever" It doesn't and I often have to remind myself of it. My biggest issue was Potty training, once I read "Everyone learns to go on the toilet, so don't stress" Gotta just love it while they are little.
LOVE THE TIES!!! You made them?!?! I mean of course you did. You are a talented lady. I really need to come get some sewing lessons.
I have that book in my car for you so if I keep forgetting and you see me around come and grab it. Glad you blogged, maybe I should do the same.
Have a marvelous day with all those little men!
love those boys and their ties!!! Awe Finn- this too shall pass- I think.
is it true? a new post?! every sunday i'm like dang i forgot to take a picture. it would just be nice to have some where james is not wearing bball shorts.
Just wanted to say, you looked so cute this sunday in your dress. I don't know what your talking about, losing pounds, seriously, I thought man she looks so good, skinny and cute! (I just read a blog about giving compliments and how we should always give them when we think nice things about others so I thats my new goal - I should've said something on Sunday. Good thing Christal has everyone's blogs listed :)
I think hRoman looks like "little" Page a little in his cheezy smily Sunday pic! I haven't done one of those for a while. I think I'll give it a go soon. Miss ya!
I LOVE THIS PICTURE!!!! They are so stinkin cute!!!
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